作者: ONISUKA (我不是鬼塚英吉) 看板: WOW
標題: [情報] MoP 將移除頭部附魔
時間: Thu May 31 09:35:38 2012



Head enchants are gone.

We decided that putting head enchants on the various faction vendors wasn't
working well with our design intent for the factions. There is a lot of
max-level quest content in MoP, much of it focused around the reputation with
the new factions. I think it's really cool stuff -- worlds away from the old
Argent Dawn scourge stone days. :)

In previous expansions, the head enchants on the faction vendors served to
force players into that content. You couldn't even choose which reputation to
pursue -- you had to pursue the one with your specific head enchant. Our
design intent for MoP is to give players options in how to play, and the head
enchant design wasn't compatible with that.

Once we decided to no longer offer new head enchants, we made the older ones
non-functional or else players would feel like they had to go back to older
content or be missing out on power. This way, helmets are just no longer
enchantable and you'll have one less required step to get a piece of loot
ready to wear.

Shoulder enchants can now be provided by scribes, so those still exist, but
they are also not part of the faction reputation system.

第1話 似乎沒辦法安裝的樣子... 第7話 你能面對真正的維修嗎?
第2話 那真是太令人期待了 第8話 請假的我,真是個笨蛋
第3話 已經沒什麼好等待的了 第9話 那樣的拍賣場,我絕不再用了
第4話 錯誤、排隊,都是存在的 第10話 再也不依賴客服
第5話 怎麼可能會斷線 第11話 最後沒留下的成就
第6話 角色不見絕對很奇怪啊 最終話 我最好的朋友:Error

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
BigCat:銘文buff 05/31 09:36
strray:"我認為這些任務很酷" 05/31 09:36
tniopkcalb:銘文即將要賺錢了!!! 快去練> < 05/31 09:37
s91812:銘文表示:我好像有點賺 05/31 09:37
pullmoss:結果5.0做了一堆要賣發現完全鬼服 (誤 05/31 09:40
jimhgame31:身為一個聲望狂人表示無感 05/31 09:40
jimhgame31:反正聲望都還是要衝滿的XD 05/31 09:40
pullmoss:剛生上來的角色有差啦 都得在聲望裝和附魔之間作抉擇QQ 05/31 09:42
wtf12022:改這樣 就看那個喜歡就衝了 05/31 09:45
FZK:賺錢的程度應該就和現在的護腿片或絲線差不多吧 也還好而已.. 05/31 09:48
ak147:超北七的...不用聲望就直接讓附魔專業跟訓練師學就好了 05/31 09:53
ak147:白話:我的熊貓人要練銘文所以要壟斷市場 05/31 09:54
mayday8888:附魔師:怎麼不給我學 05/31 09:57
CJ3CJ3CJ3:這是好消息吧 05/31 09:58
FZK:練銘文的那麼多要壟斷可不容易 最後應該也是差不多成本價在賣 05/31 09:59
loveadu:NICE 05/31 10:02
ncc5566:根本就無感 全聲望滿很正常 05/31 10:08
darkfantasy:對一週只上線一次出團的人講差很多... 05/31 10:18
catcatt:而且很多為了附魔去衝聲望的人,以後就懶得去衝聲望了 05/31 10:18
Hsu1025:================我們認為這樣很酷====================== 05/31 10:28
Hsu1025:又是這句話 05/31 10:30
lpb: = = = = = = C O O L = = = = = = 05/31 10:30
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (05/31 10:32)
tassadar1:I think it's really cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool 05/31 10:50
eDrifter:幸好這一陣子閒著 鍊了銘文專業 05/31 11:16
a76842388:很COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 05/31 11:17
goenitzx:這句話應該寫成一首曲子然後弄成RAP好了 05/31 11:18
MIshad:"我認為這些任務很酷" (轉頭看看D3 05/31 11:34
qmo668:棒! 05/31 11:39
iammark:版標:山口山版很COOL~~ 05/31 11:55
FuNnYw:這算好消息,不用練分身還要去農聲望 05/31 13:06
ncc5566:樓上.... 你是反串嗎? 05/31 13:14
oldriver:這算buff銘文吧 應該完善一下各專業的消耗品 05/31 13:39
aggressorX:BZ什麼都麻覺得很酷 超空虛XDDD 05/31 13:44
henry1234562:這確實是好消息 就不會強制玩家必須修某個聲望 05/31 13:57
grimmi:聲望狂人表示無感TOO 05/31 13:59
kakyun:喔 05/31 14:31
Galm:不管是不是有用的聲望到最後還是會全部搞成崇拜 真的有差嗎? 05/31 15:20
rayse:傻傻的 怎麼不趁機推新製造專業呢? 制符師 剛好可以用頭部 05/31 16:07
rayse:附魔 我們覺得每個人都像殭屍貼張符在額頭 這很COOOOOOOOOOL 05/31 16:07


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