作者: ONISUKA (我不是鬼塚英吉) 看板: WOW
標題: Re: [情報] MoP Beta 15752: 法術更動(牧師)
時間: Wed Jun 6 09:42:43 2012


Cascade is now instant cast, down from 3 sec. Range reduced to 40 yd from 100.
神聖箭矢: 施法時間3秒->瞬發,範圍從100碼->40碼(更正為原本文字敘述的內容)

Flash Heal now costs 6.6% of Base Mana, up from 6%.
快速治療: 耗魔6%基礎法力->6.6%基礎法力

Halo: Creates a ring of Shadow energy around you that quickly expands and
grows in power, up to 30 yds away. Deals up to (20,216 + 195.0% of SP) Shadow
damage to enemies, and up to 0 healing to allies, with the greatest effect at
25 yds. 100 yd range. Instant.
Halo: Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands and grows
in power, up to 30 yds away. Deals up to (20,216 + 195.0% of SP) Holy damage
to enemies, and up to 0 healing to allies, with the greatest effect at 25
yds. 100 yd range. Instant.
神聖輝環: (增加文字說明)

Prayer of Mending now costs 3.9% of Base Mana, up from 3.5%.
癒合禱言: 耗魔3.5%基礎法力->3.9%

Renew now costs 2.9% of Base Mana, up from 2.6%.
恢復: 耗魔2.6%基礎法力->2.9%

Shadowfiend no longer grants this bonus effect for Shadow: Your Mind Flay
critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of this ability by 10 sec.


Archangel now has a 2 minute cooldown for the Dark Archangel portion of the
大天使: (暗影) 冷卻時間90秒->2分鐘

Mindbender no longer grants this bonus effect for Shadow: Your Mind Flay
critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of this ability by 10 sec.
屈心魔: 不再提供暗牧額外的法術特效(每次精神鞭笞爆擊時-10秒CD)


Meditation now allows 40% of your mana regeneration from Spirit to continue
while in combat, up from 25%.
冥想: 戰鬥中從精神上提供的回魔從25%->40%

Penance now costs 3.4% of Base Mana, up from 3.1%.
懺悟: 耗魔3.1%基礎魔力->3.4%


Divine Hymn no longer has a maximum of 20 heals.
神聖禮頌: 不再有治療次數上限(原本20次)

Holy & Discipline

Greater Heal now costs 6.6% of Base Mana, up from 6%.
強效治療術: 耗魔6%基礎魔力->6.6%

Heal now costs 2.2% of Base Mana, up from 2%.
治療術: 耗魔2%基礎魔力->2.2%

Holy Fire is now a Holy & Discipline Specialization spell.
神聖之火: 現在是神聖&戒律的專屬技能


Devouring Plague had the healing component reworked: Also heals the caster
for 1% of their maximum health when it deals direct damage, and 0.30% of
their maximum health when it deals periodic damage. Damage and healing
increased based on the number of Shadow Orbs consumed.
噬靈瘟疫: 治療機制改變 - 每次造成直接性傷害時,治療施法者1%總生命力,

第1話 似乎沒辦法安裝的樣子... 第7話 你能面對真正的維修嗎?
第2話 那真是太令人期待了 第8話 請假的我,真是個笨蛋
第3話 已經沒什麼好等待的了 第9話 那樣的拍賣場,我絕不再用了
第4話 錯誤、排隊,都是存在的 第10話 再也不依賴客服
第5話 怎麼可能會斷線 第11話 最後沒留下的成就
第6話 角色不見絕對很奇怪啊 最終話 我最好的朋友:Error

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
kudoshaki:又在努力調升補職的耗魔了(囧) 06/06 09:44
KBchen:強效治療、治療術跟懺悟的耗魔也增加了 06/06 10:16
KBchen:6 > 6.6% , 2 >2.2%, 3.1>3.4% 06/06 10:20
s91812:大天使會不會CD太久.... 06/06 10:23
kakyun:暗影惡魔被改了~~~~~哭哭Q_Q 06/06 10:25
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (06/06 10:28)
marvyuh:還好阿 精神回魔有BUFF 06/06 10:30
ONISUKA:神牧更慘了0rz 06/06 10:31
Nector:暗牧的攻擊節奏更平了 惡魔CD幾個版本一直改來改去 06/06 11:18
Nector:可能又要從套裝效果來玩 06/06 11:18
Abalamindo:神牧:聽我唱歌吧!!! 06/06 12:02


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